Have you ever seen real magic? Pure, unfiltered magic unfolding before your eyes? That’s what D&D in a Castle is all about—mixing a medieval castle, an epic...
Why Son of a Trickster Took My Breath Away: Reflections on Healing and Understanding
Like many with colonial ancestry I have to work to understand the generational trauma of Residential Schools and the systemic mistreatment of Indigenous people. It’s...
Decolonizing Your Tabletop Games: A Journey of Learning and Unlearning
I am writing this blog post from the unceded lands of the Hul’qumi’num (Halkomelem) speaking peoples. This acknowledgment is essential to my own process of...
The Unbroken: Eye-Opening TTRPG Inspiration from Power, Rebellion, and Consequences
Let’s dive into the first book of the season: The Unbroken by CL Clark. I chose this novel initially because it had great reviews and the premise intrigued me—a guard...
How to Run a Great Session Zero for Your TTRPG Campaign: A Quick Guide for GMs
What is a Session Zero? A Session Zero is hands down the best way to kick off a long campaign. This pre-game session lets you, as the GM (or DM if you're playing...
The Tim Game: A GM’s Tool for Building Strong Connections in RPGs
There are few things more satisfying to me as a GM than having a group that meshes well, providing you and the other players with content and fun. These are small...
Arlington Road: This Thriller Made a Bold Movie in 1999
It was a move that didn't pay off. Was it a bad movie? No. It wasn’t two hours of slogging through nonsense, despite scenes that went on too long or felt pointless. The...
The Ultimate Guide to Star Trek: 42 Essential Episodes for Beginners and Longtime Fans
There is so much I want to say about Star Trek. I love Trek. Heck, I love it so much, I created my own series (new season and cast annouced sooooon)! I sit at my...
Saturday Spotlight: Elisa Teague – A Powerhouse in Pink
Where It All Began I met Elisa in 2018 at the first D&D in a Castle in France, and my life has been better for it. You know those friends whose face lights up when...
D&D for Beginners: Your Ultimate Introduction to Role-Playing Games
With the updated 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, what I’ve started called 5.24, I thought it might not be a bad idea to toss out a basic How-To guide. This isn’t...
The Day My Nostalgia Died
Ok, this movie was a trip. My memories of American Pie were definitely seen through the rose-colored lens of teenage nostalgia. Watching it now reveals that it doesn't...
When They Were Three Kings
This movie was fun. Again, a soundtrack that slaps. I forgot how much criticism there was during and after the 1991 gulf war. The critiques kind of got lost in 2001....