Strategies Games Board Game of the Month

Strategies Games Board Game of the Month

Unstable Unicorns This game is one of my favourites in the last couple years. Its a quick-to-play easy-to-learn card game. The goal: Put seven (7) Unicorns into your stable (the table in front of your seat). All the rules fit onto a single card that same as the...



So something awesome has happened. I am officially a published author. As of today I am a content creator on the DMsGuild. I don't even know what else to say other than I hope you like it!

Quests & Queers

Quests & Queers

In Vancouver? LGBTQIA2+ or an ally, and looking for somewhere to go to play games in a safe and fun encouraging environment? Have I got the event for you! Once a month at both the Storm Crow Tavern on Commercial and Storm Crow Alehouse on Broadway, I host Quests &...

From the Darkness, It Comes.

From the Darkness, It Comes.

You step out of the cramped dark tunnel and into a darker cavern, the smell of rot and decay fills  your nostrils as your eyes adjust in the weak light from your torch, something moves at the far end of the room and you realize the breeze you had felt briefly was a...

Toxic Fandom

Toxic Fandom

Have we geeks crossed a line? Allow me to wax poetic for a moment to a 'happier' time before social media. A time when you would decide from the trailers or by the leading star if you wanted to see a movie a not or to a time when you would watch a cartoon because your...