Tea with a Spoon of the Delusion of Fascism

Tea with Mussolini

A story of civilized disobedience


Cher, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright, Lily Tomlin


Franco Zeffirelli


John Mortimer, Franco Zeffirelli

Tea with a Spoon of the Delusion of Fascism

Ok, first thing first. The leads in this film are some of the most epic actors of our time. The critics didn’t like it much, unlees they were looking at it from a 60 european art cinema lens. I feel like this movie has a European/French-Film narative to it that is found appropriate and kind of endearing. The gaps in the plots can be attributed to the story being based off the memories of the director and writer during Italy staying out of things then siding with Germany.

I try to stay away from ‘personal ratings’ so they don’t affect what I am going to think myself. However I saw one that was from an American who was annoyed that Lady Hester and the rest of the ladies would just leave if all that was happening around them. I think they missed the point that british colonialism and arostocracy was still so very much a thing then, still is in many ways, and that he attitude of “he gave me his word” was a blinding example of accurate attitudes and behaviours.

Is it the best movie? N. There are some big gaps in the plots and charatcer explainations. I suspect it was edited for time. I don’t know the importance of the painting on the wall other than it was important to Arabella, therefore Mary and Georgie too. It sure is delightful still. Also the acting was simply amazing, and it was really cool to see Lily Tomlin in a queer role without it being a “thing” while being one of the power/stable characters of the movie.


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