On the sixth day of Critmas, my players got from me, six morels budding,
five glowing shrooms!
four lichen knights,
three molding sprites,
two seedling sprouts,
and a Myconid with spores all around.
Quick Description
The moment I saw this picture, I knew I had to use it for Critmas. It’s fun, silly, and how could you not love the idea of a myconid adventuring party. haha. A cabal of champignon champions campaigning for conifer choppers cutting their cottages. For DMs looking to create a rival party or a group of themed monsters to challenge their heroes, here are a few tricks. You can apply any of the NPC type monsters. Alternatively, you could reskin an adventuring party and give them a fungal makeover to match this Myconid theme. My original idea was to make them all salamanders with different elemental types, which is also a fun possibility. Instead, I decided it would be fun to use different monsters that matched the vibe of each class, reflected in their colors. (so, this is a 6 in one ;))

Reskin Details
- Original Creature: Varied. From left to right, front row to back row:
- Changes: A few adjustments are needed depending on the approach you choose. For the salamander approach, swap all fire damage from touching the creature to acid or poison damage to align with the fungal theme. Also, I would recommend having the 6 different salamanders be different elemental types.
- If you prefer the mixed-creature approach, ensure their appearances reflect the Myconid aesthetic.
- So acid and poison damage from side effect,
- Have the weapons look natural, crafted from wood or sponge-like materials, giving them a strange and effective vibe.
- Change the creature type from whatever it is to Plant.
DM Tips
- The heroes might stumble into a forest clearing where these fungal champions are rallying to defend their home from intruders.
- With the variety of CRs, be prepared to balance HP across the group for a cohesive encounter.
Nothing like roasting Morels on an open fire right? What’s tomorrow going to bring?