There is so much I want to say about Star Trek. I love Trek. Heck, I love it so much, I created my own series (new season and cast annouced sooooon)!
I sit at my keyboard, and my brain just starts gushing. It’s wild—WILD—that a show from 1966 spawned what it did. The original series ran from 1966-1969, 79 episodes in total. It was produced by Desilu—yep, the same company behind I Love Lucy (Lucille Ball was way ahead of her time). When Paramount bought Desilu, Star Trek went along for the ride. Over the last 58 years, it has flourished. Star Trek is now vast—seriously vast. After that little three-year run of the original series, we got 10 more full-lenth episode series, a mini-series of Short Treks, 13 movies, and nearly 950 episodes (take that, MCU).
TL;DR: Gimmie the list Trekkie.
Star Trek’s Influence on Science and Technology
It’s my absolute favorite sci-fi universe. There’s a frankly absurd amount of Trek canon and lore rattling around in my head—like why the Jefferies tubes are named that way, how the ships in the backdrop of certain single-episode scenes got their look, or how Raffi lived in the place where Arena was filmed, or how Roddenberry used the Drake equation as part of his series pitch to studio execs. I could go on for days. Did you know the first space shuttle was named Enterprise because of fans of the show? Or that Star Trek directly inspired things like cell phones, tablets, warp travel (yes, it’s really being worked on), hyposprays, tricorders, and universal translators (have you seen the new galaxy headphones?).
Science was baked into the show’s DNA from day one, as were the ideals of hope and equality.

Why Star Trek is Relevant Today
What I love most is that Trek reminds us we can have a future. A future beyond capitalism, religious fanaticism, and bigotry. A future filled with hope, where we come together as a species, explore the stars, and thrive.
Except how does someone new navigate it all? With that much to sift through, where do you start?
42 Essential Star Trek Episodes for Beginners
I’ve put together a list of 42 episodes that I think are the best way to introduce someone to Star Trek. Why 42? Not only is it a great number, but I want someone to find their joy in Trek as I have. Picking some round number like 50 or 100 just means I’m listing stuff. Instead, I put deep thought into a carefully selected, highly curated list, with each episode having a distinct purpose. I didn’t just throw in extras to pad the list, nor did I add only the best episodes—I want you to discover those on your own as you watch.
These stories will give you a real taste of Star Trek—its lore, its heart, its brilliance. They are listed in series, season, and watch order! Just follow the numbers.
Star Trek: The 42 Must-Watch Episodes
- ENT: “Broken Bow”
- ENT: “The Forge”
- ENT: “Babel One”/”United”/”The Aenar”
Strange New Worlds
- SNW: “Strange New Worlds”
- SNW: “Ad Astra per Aspera”
- SNW: “Subspace Rhapsody”
- DSC: “An Obol for Charon”
- DSC: “The Sound of Thunder”
- DSC: “Project Daedalus”

The Original Series
- TOS: “The Corbomite Maneuver”
- TOS: “Balance of Terror”
- TOS: “The City on the Edge of Forever”
- TOS: “Journey To Babel”
- TOS: “The Trouble With Tribbles”
- TOS: “The Enterprise Incident”
The Next Generation
- TNG: “Encounter at Farpoint”
- TNG: “The Measure of a Man”
- TNG: “Q Who”
- TNG “Peak Performance”
- TNG: “The Enemy”
- TNG “Best of Both Worlds 1&2”
- TNG: “The Wounded”
- TNG: “First Contact”
- TNG: “Darmok”
- TNG: “Chain of Command” (Parts 1 & 2)
- TNG: “Lower Decks”
Deep Space Nine
- DS9: “Emissary”
- DS9: “Duet”
- DS9: “The Jem’Hadar”
- DS9: “The Search” (Parts 1 & 2)
- DS9: “Improbable Cause” & “The Die Is Cast”
- DS9: “Starship Down”
- DS9: “Trials and Tribble-ations”
- DS9: “In the Cards”
- DS9: “Sacrifice of Angels”
- VOY: “Caretaker”
- VOY: “Distant Origin”
- VOY: “Year of Hell” (Parts 1 & 2)
- VOY: “Message in a Bottle”
- VOY: “Living Witness”
- VOY: “Timeless”
- VOY: “Counterpoint”
I know this list leans heavily on The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine eras, these series did such a great job to capture so much of what makes the different styles of Star Trek iconic. That said, every series has its own unique brilliance, this list is meant to provide my best suggestions to give you a taste. I highly encourage you to explore the IDIC of the Star Trek universe! Especially Lower Decks, that series is a love letter to Trek and its fans. You’ll appreciate more it after this list too.
What Do You Think?
Whether you’re new to Star Trek or a long-time fan, what are your thoughts on this list? Share your favorite episodes or moments in the comments below. Better yet, join me on Twitch every second Friday for some Star Trek Online, and let’s talk Trek!