On the twelfth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...twelve dragon riders. Ya. That's right, goblin dragon riders. Like so cool, right? I can't get this image out of my head. I think it would be green wyverns, dragons if you needed tougher antagonists. l figure...
12 Days
Eleventh Day of Critmas
On the eleventh day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...eleven hunter elders. The older a hunter, the more revered. The older you get and still participate in village life, the more honoured. Barring some great reason or feat of awesomeness very few goblins retire...
Tenth Day of Critmas
On the tenth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...ten walking deaded. Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins Concept Art The walking deaded is a fate that falls upon those goblins who are particularly nasty, even for goblins. Warlords and Queens have been known to succumb to...
Ninth Day of Critmas
On the ninth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...nine fire dancers. Goblin fire warlock by shurita on DeviantArt This mythical military is known to every goblin squib as the greek hopolites are known to us. These goblin fighters were able to harness fire into...
Eighth Day of Critmas
On the eighth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...eight cubes a gel-ing. l always thought it would be really entertaining to imagine how goblins would use gelatinous cubes. They can't be ridden, maybe as things to put in a room if you want it really clean. Maybe...
Seventh Day of Critmas
On the seventh day of CRITmas my players got from me... seven goblins swimming. King Shark - DC Comics. Yup. If you get to have sea elves, l get ocean goblins. There is the Koalinth in the Forgotten Realms lore. This is a great example of a simple reskin. Hobgoblins...
Sixth Day of Critmas
On the sixth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...Six umbers hulking. There is rumoured to be a goblin city hidden deep in the mountains. Away from the dwarves and other tall folk who would do them harm. Long ago, the ancestors learned how to train the great...
Fifth Day of Critmas
On the fifth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...five cursed things. Ring of Senicianus Items are super fun. A player often expects that there is the possibility that there could be a cursed magic item. They rarely suspect cursed trinkets. Maybe a doll that...
Fourth Day of Critmas
On the fourth day of CRITmas my players got from me... ...four goblin mounts JacobJacJacob Anderson - Goblin Rider Blink Dog - That last raid on the elf camp was lucrative. Blorp-the-Biter even found some new puppies. Depending on the serious level of your games the...