Eighth Day of Critmas

Eighth Day of Critmas

On the eighth day of Critmas, my players got from me, eight mosses shambling,
seven yeasts a-creeping,
six morels budding,
five glowing shrooms!
four lichen knights,
three molding sprites,
two seedling sprouts,
and a Myconid with spores all around.

Quick Description

The obvious choice here would be a mushroom-themed Shambling Mound, which is a fantastic option. I wanted to demonstrate how you can reskin creatures that are completely different. It helps keep players on their towes who hear shambling mosses and think they know what they are in for. Using the otyugh was fun. Typically seen as a garbage dweller, this version transforms it into a fertilizer or composter. Haha it’s almost a really big worm.

Reskin Details

  • Original Creature: Otyugh CR 5
  • Changes: Change the creature type from Aberration to Plant
  • This creature doesn’t require many changes to fit the theme. Personally, I’d add in the following traits to the creature to make it fit with a myconid:
    • Damage Resistances Bludgeoning from Nonmagical Attacks
    • Damage Immunity Poison

DM Tips

  • These creatures could be found in a decaying forest or compost pit, where their presence keeps the ecosystem alive—but stepping too close might trigger a defensive swarm.
  • I wonder if, for Myconids, the Shambling Mosses would be seen as cattle to humanoids. Perhaps they are bred to be food for other myconids.
  • Myconids are herding the mosses. Perhaps the party stumbles into a swamp of these creatures, only to be ambushed by Myconids protecting the ‘herd.
  • Perhaps The charatcers were sent to collect/rustle some for a chef making new dishes.

Deck the groves with shambling mosses, fa la la la laa, See you for day 9!


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