On the ninth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...nine fire dancers. Goblin fire warlock by shurita on DeviantArt This mythical military is known to every goblin...
12 Days
Eighth Day of Critmas
On the eighth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...eight cubes a gel-ing. l always thought it would be really entertaining to imagine how goblins would use...
Seventh Day of Critmas
On the seventh day of CRITmas my players got from me... seven goblins swimming. King Shark - DC Comics. Yup. If you get to have sea elves, l get ocean goblins. There is...
Sixth Day of Critmas
On the sixth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...Six umbers hulking. There is rumoured to be a goblin city hidden deep in the mountains. Away from the dwarves and...
Fifth Day of Critmas
On the fifth day of CRITmas my players got from me, ...five cursed things. Ring of Senicianus Items are super fun. A player often expects that there is the possibility...
Fourth Day of Critmas
On the fourth day of CRITmas my players got from me... ...four goblin mounts JacobJacJacob Anderson - Goblin Rider Blink Dog - That last raid on the elf camp was...
Third Day of Critmas
On the Third day of Critmas my players got from me, three goblin hags. Three Hag Goblins It's so perfect. It would be unexpected and fun. To make goblin hags, take any...
Second Day of Critmas
On the second day of Critmas my players got from me, ...two minotaurs. Goblin minotaurs, because why not. Take the minotaur, describe it as a very large goblin with...
First Day of CRITmas
On the first day of CRITmas my players got from me... ...a goblin with a bag of TNT. I dig Goblins. They are truly underutilized creatures in D&D. Most DMs leave...