You step out of the cramped dark tunnel and into a darker cavern, the smell of rot and decay fills your nostrils as your eyes adjust in the weak light from your torch,...
Toxic Fandom
Have we geeks crossed a line? Allow me to wax poetic for a moment to a 'happier' time before social media. A time when you would decide from the trailers or by the...
Celebrating Fumbles
Most gaming systems run off a d20 rule set. That is, they use a twenty sided dice as their primary means of deciding success and failure. In most of these systems...
Themed Games – Halloween Special
I enjoy themed Games. I will have a game that will take on some of the cultural meta-narratives of our world and apply them to my own. Birthdays of the players often...
Storytelling in Roleplaying Games is a great thing. Really, it is the whole point of playing them: you are building a collaborative tale that is contributed to by all...
Speed Gaming
When speed dating you have to 'sell yourself' in a small window of time, 2-5 min, enough to get the person to want to hang out with you again. Gaming is very similar...
Stranger Chats
“When I think about it every great thing that happened in may gaming career (GaymerX, D&D Adventurers League, Podcasts, Gaming at Conventions, even this venture of professional GM) has happened because I reached out to strangers.”